Liability Release Agreement
Frendly Gathering
JUNE 28- JULY 1, 2018
I understand that camping, skateboarding, hiking, swimming, musical performances and other recreational activities associated with the Frendly Gathering (hereafter “Event”) can be dangerous and involve the risk of injury and death. Despite the risk involved in the Event and in consideration of the right to participate in the Event, I VOLUNTARILY AGREE TO EXPRESSLY ASSUME ANY AND ALL RISK OF INJURY OR DEATH which might be associated with participation in or attendance at the Event and use of the facilities at Sugarbush Resort, including, without limitation any injuries or even death that may occur as a result of the consumption of alcohol or other substances. I AGREE I WILL NOT DRIVE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL OR ANY OTHER SUBSTANCE and assume any and all risk of injury or death if I do so or allow another to do so.
Furthermore, I AGREE NEVER TO SUE AND TO RELEASE FROM LIABILITY FRENDLY ENTERTAINMENT, LLC; SUMMIT VENTURES NE, LLC dba SUGARBUSH RESORT (hereafter “collectively referred to as “RELEASEES”) for any damage, injury or death to me arising form participation in or attendance at the Event, regardless of cause.
I understand this is a RELEASE OF LIABILITY, which will prevent me or my heirs from filing suit or making any claim for damages in the event of injury or death to me. Additionally, in the Event I, my heirs, the user, or my legal representative files a lawsuit arising out of my participation in the Event or our use of the facilities at the Event, I AGREE TO DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS RELEASEES for any damages, attorneys’ fees or costs associated with or arising out of such a lawsuit. With the aforesaid fully understood, I nevertheless enter into this agreement freely and voluntarily and agree that it is binding upon me, my heirs, assigns and legal representatives. I also agree to indemnify RELEASEES for any and all claims brought by a third party which arise from my participation in or attendance at the Event.
I agree to abide by all rules pertaining to attendance at the Event and agree not to record any of the musical performances. I understand and agree that the RELEASEES may take photographs or video of me while I attend the Event and I consent to their use of any images or content of me for commercial purposes without any compensation to me.
If I am signing this Liability Release on behalf of a minor (less than 18 years of age):
I represent and warrant that I am the parent and/or legal guardian of such child and that the child is in good health and there are no special problems associated with the care of the child;
I accept responsibility for all the child’s medical expenses incurred in connection with the Event;
I agree to indemnify RELEASEES for any and all claims brought by or on behalf of the child; and
I agree to indemnify RELEASEES for any and all claims brought by a third party arising in connection with the child’s participation in or attendance at the Event.
I understand and agree that this agreement is severable and that if any clause is found to be invalid the balance of this contract will remain in effect and will be valid and enforceable. I agree that any action arising hereunder will be brought in the State of Vermont. Any and all disputes will be subject to and determined under the laws of the State of Vermont.
Parent/Guardian: I verify that I am the parent/guardian of the minor. I have authority to enter this agreement on behalf of the minor. I agree to be bound by its terms.