When packing for the Frendly Gathering, we would greatly appreciate you refraining from bringing the following items to remain as Earth Frendly as possible. ☺
Single Use Plastic Bottles (water, juice, soda)
Bring a reusable water bottle or container to clench your thirst!
Plastic Cups (Solo Cups)
Bring a reusable one instead for your tasty drinks!
Bring Earth Frendly body paint instead!
Glow Sticks
Bring some LED or Solar lights!
Styrofoam Coolers
In the long run, you will save money buying a cooler that you can reuse! Styrofoam gets thrown into a landfill where it will never biodegrade ☹
Before heading to the festival, take the time to read our 7 Principles of Leave No Trace to ensure the most Earth Frendly time at Frendly Gathering!