Hello frend! 

Frendly Gathering is built on collaboration. We have gotten to where we are today by working together to achieve something larger than what we can achieve individually. We appreciate the passion, hard work, and frendly energy year after year that the volunteer crew brings to make this dream a reality. We want to open up our world to you, we want you to be a part of our family, and most of all we want you to have the experience of a lifetime!

Did you know that volunteering at Frendly can be a true love story? Two of our volunteers met volunteering at Frendly, they then fell in love, started dating, got married, and now have a kid together! They still return each year because that is what Frendly is all about, bringing people together to achieve something greater! We hope you are signing up to our program, not so you can put in work for a free ticket, but because you want to become a part of something bigger and our growing community. We strive to foster long lasting relationships, and this is where it all begins! Thanks for joining our family and making this event possible, because without you, we would not be where we are today!"

-Jack Mitrani (Festival Founder)

Below you will find each of the departments you can sign up for with a brief description. Below the description is a link to the application that you must fill out. For more information, please read our VOLUNTEER FAQ.

Questions included on all department applications:

  1. What is your full name?

  2. When is your Birthday?

  3. What is your email?

  4. What size shirt do you wear?

  5. Have you volunteered at FG before? If so, what year & what department? 

  6. Why do you want to volunteer for FG?

  7. Have you volunteered at other festivals? If so, which ones?

  8. What qualities or talents do you have that would be a great addition to our (xxxx) dept?

  9. If the xxx dept is full, what is your second department choice?

  10. Describe yourself in three words.